8AM - 12PM


hosted by Body Tempering Education

The Body Tempering certification process is the start of your Body Tempering journey. It’s your introduction to the history of this method and the place where you learn to safely apply the many techniques of Body Tempering to begin helping people feel better and move better. Registration includes access to the Online Self-Tempering course which is a prerequisite to attending this in-person Body Tempering Certification course. Registration also includes access to the online BT-C 1 certification course.

1PM - 5PM

hosted by Body Temper University

Bridge the gap between skill acquisition and business operation. Our Body Temper University Pro System packages the application of Body Tempering® into a service business that generates an income.

This course equips attendees with: the essentials of session programming, assembling services and pricing options, how to establish lease and commission relationships, impactful marketing strategies.

In-Person Attendees will also be outfitted with adequate tools to use during the workshop, paired with multiple tempering partners for hands-on practice, provided a client “case study”, evaluated on their “case study” programming and interaction by a certified Body Tempering® practitioner, added to the Body Temper University Pro Directory


8AM - 5PM
Body Tempering® SUMMIT

hosted by Body Temper University

The ultimate Body Tempering® weekend is here! For the discounted price of $2000 you get Body Tempering® Certified, Pro System Workshop AND access to the 2023 Body Tempering Summit. There is limited space so book now to save your spot.

The Body Tempering® Summit is an annual event bringing professionals from across the country together. The summit brings in speakers from a variety of fields in the Body Tempering® community.

Designed for people looking to take body tempering to the next level, the Body Tempering® Summit will equip attendees with new application skills, business tactics, and networking opportunities.

This year’s summit will be hosted in Chicago, IL on Saturday, July 22nd. Attendees will get the chance to listen to and have access to a variety of Body Tempering® professionals, including the creator of body tempering, Donnie Thompson.